First Place: Ahana Basak | Grade: 4 | Age: 9+
Second Place: Nandika Shreosi Podder | Grade: STD III | Age: 9+
Third Place: Ritobrato Majhi | Grade: 3 | Age: 9
First Place: Setu Bhuiya | Grade: 10 | Age: 14
Second Place: Pratishruti Kar | Grade: 7 | Age: 12+
Third Place: Oishiki Das | Grade: 7 | Age: 12+
First Place: Rebanta Pal | Grade: 12 | Age: 17
Second Place: Sourjyajit Chakraborty | Grade: 12 | Age: 17+
Third Place: Amreen Ahmed | Grade: 10 | Age: 16
First Place: Hissan Khandakar | Grade: STD IX | Age: 14
Second Place: Eesha Jain | Grade: 9 | Age: 13
Third Place: Kirupali Sathyanathan | Grade: 7 | Age: 11
First Place: Pragya Pai | Grade: 12 | Age: 17
Third Place: Maneeza Khan | Grade: 11 | Age: 15
Second Place: Niloy Islam | Grade: 10 | Age: 16
We congratulate all the winners and the participants for being a part of the competition. We wish you a very good luck with your talents and we invite you to participate in our Annual Art and Writing Competition next year.
Please check the Winners Exhibition to see all the artwork and the writings from other participants.
All certificates can be collected from the Participant Certificate section below.
All the prize money has been successfully delivered to the winners.